John Gregg and the John Todd-Ruble Family Connection
The essay contained elsewhere on this site on the origins of John Todd 1750-1813 of Jefferson County/Shelby County Kentucky describes John Todd's relations with John Gregg in Jefferson County Kentucky, including John Todd's being named executor of the will of John Gregg in 1791. The essay posits the theory that the two Johns were related through their wives (John Todd's wife was Mary Ruble).
The files below are the result of additional research into John Gregg which documents that in 1765 a "John Gregg of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania" bought land on Issac's Creek, just 4 miles from where the Ruble family lived. The discussion suggests that this John Gregg, neighbor to the Rubles of Frederick County in 1765/1766, is the same John Gregg who made a land claim by 1763 in the portion of Cumberland County that became Bedford Township, Bedford County where John Todd came as a young man by 1775 or 1776. The hypothesis for research is that it was through John Gregg that John Todd met and maried Mary Ruble in Bedford County in 1775/76..
Click here for the file containing much of the support data for the above essay
Click here for a summary of the Gregg, Teagarden and Ruble Families and their interconnecctions
Click here for a tabular summary of the Gregg entries in the Cumberland Co Tax lists 1753-1785